93 Funny Status for Facebook that Everyone Will Like (2024)

Enjoy the day and make hilarious Funny Facebook posts, funny Facebook status updates that everyone will like, funny status for Facebook that everyone will like and funny status for Facebook that will get likes. This collection of funny Facebook status lines is so funny that your friends will cry while laughing at your Facebook wall posts.

Examples of Funny Status for Facebook That Everyone Will Like

1. My face when my computer says, “Are you sure you want to continue unprotected?”

2. I don’t know which is easier, asking a dumb question or correcting a dumb question.

3. To know a girl’s faults, praise her nonstop to her girlfriends then open your ears and hear their epic replies.

4. Who introduced that “nothing” is impossible, I’ve been doing nothing all my life.

5. The world will not end in 2017 because my body cream expires in 2018.

6. I keep wondering when dogs assume it’s for them when someone rings the door.

7. Finally, I decided to burn loads of calories, so I got a fat kid and set him on fire. That’s all.

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8. When I speak my mind, I don’t mind what I speak.

9. I had to get the fridge to my room because I couldn’t cope with the long-distance relationship.

10. When I use “it’s a long story” it doesn’t mean it’s that long but that I don’t just wish to tell you about it.

11. Remembering everything is good because you seem to be a genius but sometimes, not remembering at all is better.

12. My computer may beat me in chess but it dare not challenge me in kickboxing.

13. She wrote “You’re adorable”, and I noted, “No, you’re adorable”. Now she believes I like her but all I did was correct her typo.

14. I dare you to say this out loud and fast; U R 2 6 C I 1 2 4 Q U.

15. Why is it that whenever someone says “I want to ask you a question”, your mind runs through all the bad things you did recently?

Gradient background with the text: "Who introduced that "nothing" is impossible, I've been doing nothing all my life."

16. Don’t tell me you slept like a baby because Babies wake up every three hours crying for food.

17. I would have killed the sexiest person alive but I discovered that suicide is against the law.

18. Love is in every corner they say… I guess I’m moving in circles because I can’t find them.

19. Sometimes I know I should shut up but the other time, I don’t know when to.

20. Me and my girlfriend are inseparable. Sometimes, it takes five or six people to pull us apart.

21. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder why newspapers are five times more interesting only when somebody across the table is reading them.

22. Teaching your mother how to use Facebook is like willingly admitting you murdered someone to the FBI.

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22. A man only realizes that his father was right when he has a son who thinks he’s wrong.

23. Rather than speak and discard all doubts of you being stupid, remain silent and be presumed a fool.

24. Vice versa, accidents in back seats cause children while children in backseats cause accidents. Both complement each other.

25. Every girl is bad in their own way. Good girls are just a few bad girls that are yet to be caught.

26. There is a high probability that other animals (wild and domesticated) hate the dog for getting credit for one of the most popular sexual positions ever in human history.

27. There is no comparison between artificial intelligence and natural stupidity.

28. You might like to run because Monday is coming.

29. Why does everybody sound like Asians when they sneeze?

30. While it’s everybody’s right to be stupid. But some people are abusing the privilege given to them by nature.

Gradient background with the text: "Inequality began when there was an ice cream truck for kids but no beer truck for adults."

31. If money doesn’t bring happiness, going shopping will.

32. I only wake early when I can’t hold my pee any longer.

33. Tag that friend who likes everything even when it’s not funny.

34. Do stupid things every day when you’re young so that you will have something to smile and talk about when you become old.

35. Inequality began when there was an ice cream truck for kids but no beer truck for adults.

36. What’s the difference between waiting for a girl who says she will be ready in 5 more minutes and a guy who says the game has 5 mins left?

37. I have always respected my grandpa who advised me that if I have nothing good to say then I should keep quiet, yet people still try to find out why I’m always silent.

38. That heroic moment when you get the answer to your classwork wrong but your teacher accidentally marks it correct. You will be like hip hip hip!

39. That awkward moment when you try to silence a call without picking up but accidentally answering it.

40. 3 steps to enjoy a cool evening:

Pour milk on the floor

Gather the kids and ask who did it

Send them to their rooms and enjoy your awesome evening.

Olive green background with the text: "I'm still wondering how my parents spent the first part of life teaching us to walk and talk and the other half trying to sit us down and shut up."

41. I’m still wondering how my parents spent the first part of life teaching us to walk and talk and the other half trying to sit us down and shut up.

42. I’m having a hard time pleasing people these days, so if you want to be pleased, try me in my next life. See you then.

43. One thing you can’t do at home but do on Facebook is write on the wall.

44. I’m only saying goodbye because aliens will be coming to abduct all the beautiful people, don’t worry you are safe.

45. There is only one explanation why girls live longer than guys, it’s because shopping doesn’t cause heart attacks, and paying the bills does.

46. Remember when they say everything happens for a reason? When I stopped messaging you, it was for a reason.

47. I do what I like when I want. You don’t have to like me either because I’m not a Facebook status.

48. It’s high time mathematics begins solving its own problems because I’m not a therapist.

49. Guess What I do when I see someone EXTREMELY GORGEOUS? You won’t believe it. I stare deeply, with a sheepish smile and when I get tired I put the mirror down.

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Status for Facebook that Will Get Likes

50. Trust me, if your dog is fat, it only means one thing, you are not getting enough exercise.

51. It’s crazy right, some would say money ain’t the most important thing in the world, but Love is. Fortunately, I love money.

52. Wow, you have won a price for being the 100th person to like my funny post, scratch here ###### to reveal your wonderful price.

53. Welcome to the World Wide Web, where everyone is an expert in detecting typos, while the children are the FBI.

54. The good girls will lead you to heaven, but the bad ones will make you feel you are in heaven.

55. Credit into my account to see my status for the day.

56. Facebook is funny, you go around people’s walls commenting on what doesn’t concern you and get poked by people you don’t know.

57. One day my Mr. Right will come, maybe he is lost somewhere when he took the wrong left.

58. Am here, not knowing what to do or say. There, #Boredom is at its peak.

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59. I wonder why people say, nothing is impossible, because, since I left bed today, I have practically done nothing.

60. Do you know that in a conversation, it’s when you close your mouth, that you listen very well, thank you for your attention.

61. I will create a new Facebook account with the name, nobody, so when I see useless posts on Facebook, I just comment on it, and Facebook says, nobody commented on the post.

62. One thing I like about Facebook is, that you can quote someone and make up the source and you will definitely get a lot of likes.

63. When I grow up, I would love to be a lawyer, who wouldn’t tell a lie, no matter what, my teacher slapped me and shouted, that’s impossible.

64. Nine out of ten doctors, will totally agree that one of every ten doctors you come across is an asshole.

65. I asked my 6-year-old kid, how I could get holy water, and he told me to boil the hell out of it.

66. Hey cutie, it will be nice to ask you out, just let me know the way you came in.

Violet background with the text: "I asked my 6-year-old kid, how I could get holy water, and he told me to boil the hell out of it."

67. I will let you in on a secret, you want to know some of your girlfriend’s flaws, gather her friends around and keep praising her.

68. Only this month, we have seen a lot of changes and upgrades on Facebook, yet not even a beta testing for the dislike button.

69. I believe that animals have yet to eat their forbidden fruit, that’s why they’re still naked.

70. I reward myself for sleeping by eating then reward myself for eating by sleeping. If nobody hails me, I got to hail myself.

71. Good morning people of my country, tell me, what are we offended by today?

72. It’s a funny world we live in right now, whereby Having a good heart can put you in some fucked up situation.

73. I am just sitting here, looking at the sky, regretting a lot of shit, like I should have finished the meat, while I was out with bae. She left it and I left it.

74. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Arsenal football club was a social experiment to see how long someone can support a club without killing themselves.

75. My Grandma once told me never should I laugh at a sick person because sickness is not something to laugh about. So please stop laughing at my Math teacher. I don’t know where ‘X’ is, he doesn’t too.

76. If she wants my Facebook logins, it’s cool and easy she just asks me, and imma humbly tell her NO.

77. All those boys that will accompany a girl home from your home to hers and start trekking back to your house at odd hours, do your parents know you’re useless?

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78. If you sin by cheating on your partner 90 times you will get caught only 45 times because Sin 90 = Cot 45

79. Be with a “Have you eaten yet?” Type of boy.

80. Since I was born, it’s the good people that have always complained about bad things happening to them why?

81. Dear Lord, So far today I’m doing alright.

I have not gossiped, lost my temper, or been greedy, nasty, selfish or self-indulgent. I have not whined, complained, cursed or eaten any food.

Dear Lord,

I have not charged anything from my ATM card, but I will be getting out of bed in a minute, and I know I will really need your help then.

82. Just because a guy is flirting with you doesn’t mean you are hot literally. Sometimes when you’re hungry cabbage can be delicious.

83. Our ambitions are different, this is why some want to fly first class, some want to own the plane, some want to date a guy who can afford lodging in a five-star hotel, and some want to date the owner of the hotel.

84. I really need money right now, not a job.

85. You make your girl angry then you have to apologize, your girl makes you angry then she gets angry because you’re angry then you have to apologize because she’s angry.

86. To whom this post may concern, if you have dark armpits scrub daily with lemon for a few weeks it works, instead of always having to cover your armpits with emojis on Snapchat.

Light blue background with the text: "Just because a guy is flirting with you doesn't mean you are hot literally. Sometimes when you're hungry cabbage can be delicious."

87. Me: Mom can my friends come over?

Mom: arrange and clean up your room first.

*me calls friends*

“yeah…..she said no”

88. I don’t trust girls because girls spelt backwards is spring, and it makes no sense.

89. It amazes me, how ugly girls turn out to be the most photogenic.

90. Most populated places in the world are China, Friendzone, India, United States and Indonesia

91. Will you date me???

Breathe if yes

Recite the bible in Japanese if not.

92. Never let mean people’s comments get to you just remember it’s just stupid people with smartphones.

Frequently Asked Questions: Funny Status for Facebook That Everyone Will Like

What can I post on Facebook to get a lot of likes?

To get a lot of likes on Facebook, post content that is visually appealing, relatable, and engaging. This could include high-quality photos, funny memes, inspirational quotes, interesting articles, or personal stories. Consider asking questions, encouraging comments, and sharing content that sparks conversation and interaction.

What is the best status for Facebook?

The best Facebook status varies based on your audience and the message you want to convey. It could be something inspirational, humorous, thought-provoking, or a personal update that resonates with your friends and followers.

What should I write on my Facebook status?

Write something that reflects your current mood, what you’re doing, a thought you find interesting, or a brief update on your day. Share something that resonates with your personality or something you’re passionate about.

How do you make a Facebook post interesting?

To make a Facebook post interesting, use eye-catching visuals, such as photos or videos, to grab attention. Write compelling captions that evoke emotion or curiosity. Share personal stories, insights, or experiences that resonate with your audience. Use humor, ask questions, or create polls to encourage engagement. Additionally, consider posting at optimal times when your audience is most active.

Final Thoughts: Funny Status for Facebook That Everyone Will Like

Do you also have some funny Facebook status pranks or funny status for Facebook that everyone will like? Please share with us using the comment box below!

Hello! I’m Babs Rodrigus, the voice and visionary behind Best FB Status. As a travel enthusiast and a dedicated mom of two, I’ve learned the art of balancing life’s adventures with the nuances of the digital world.

Based in Belgium, I’ve developed a keen eye for what makes social media tick. While my heart lies in exploring new places and creating memories with my family, I’ve also found a unique niche in understanding and sharing the dynamics of social media engagement.

At Best FB Status, I bring a fresh perspective, combining my real-world experiences with the ever-evolving landscape of social media. I’m here to guide you through the maze of online trends, helping you craft the perfect status updates that resonate and engage.

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