360 Best Whatsapp Status in English

Best Whatsapp Status in English: Whatsapp is one of the most used mobile messaging application and it comes with great features. Part of the feature is the ability of the user to update their status to express their mind.

Sometimes, you might be short of idea on what to write as your whatsapp status, to help you out, we have compiled interesting Whatsapp status messages in English. You can also post on other social media platform you are addicted to. Just add a little tweak and share with your friends.

Interesting Whatsapp Status in English

Here are some interesting whatsapp status in English examples

1. Some girls will survive without a best friend, but can’t survive without a best friend, for some, it’s the other way round.

2. One good friend, can change your entire life, where 100s have failed.

3. There would be times it when the past would hunt you and give you pains, but your best friend will be with you all through.

4. You will always be my best friend, my best adviser, my other half, my one and only, I will always appreciate God for having you in my life.

5. You are my best friend, because you always believe in me, when I fail to believe in myself. Thank you hun.

Read: Collection of Best Facebook Status in English

6. I believe God made you my best friend, because I wasn’t gonna have a sister as cool as you.

7. A good friend will tell you your stories, and even remember those parts you forgot.

8. Most times your best friend is your best therapist.

9. When I say I don’t want to speak with anyone one, my best friend doesn’t count.

10. You are my best friend for many reason, I am just grateful I have you in my life, I wondered how my life will be without you in it.

11. You love me, even when I couldn’t love my self, you such a rare gem.

12. People come and go, but best friend stay with you till the end. Even when they go, they will always find their way back.

13. When I link up with my gees, remember not to mess with us.

14. The people that makes you smile, laugh or live better, are the real friends in your life.

15. I got to thank God that I have gotten here now. I am just trying to chase my dreams, trying to get that cheese.

16. Live free, live life, live long and live right, do want you want to do, we all live and we learn.

17. Am a star, born and bred, my mama raised me to shine.

18. Every boy needs a best friend.

19. I am always cool headed, never rusty, but a lil bit geeky.

20. Everybody can be intelligent, when they work hard.

21. If you constantly try to bring people down, you will always be below them. Try work your way up.

22. Don’t mistake my being good for weakness, I am just of cool personality.

23. Blessings is all I see, when I look in the mirror, you can call me boy blessing.

24. I am so cool, winter made me so.

25. Life is too short, while updating your whatsapp status, make it snappy.

26. Those who enjoy love now, also has the risk of knowing pain, be careful.

27. All I want I a girlfriend like Google that would always understand me, all the time.

28. Love is sweet, but atimes, it is bitter.

29. Sometimes I just want my girlfriend to understand me, even without completing my sentences. Just the way Google does.

30. Every problem should have its solution, but if you can’t find a solution, then you have met a girl. I am really sorry.

31. I will never stop till the moment I am done.

32. Can you carry? What I drop is heavy, because they are calling me the man already.

33. Hope that your confidence is just as big as your bank account.

34. Right now, I really think I deserve better.

35. My daddy told me not to settle for less.

36. Don’t be nervous I see your hands are sweaty, you don’t need to give opinions, just keep doing what you do best.

37. I am living the fast life no seat belt, I have insurance.

38. I want to thank the Lord, because my mama dint have to borrow, to raise me up.

39. People call me bad, I am here to correct you guys, I am very bad. Do not forget that.

40. There are three sides to a story, my side, your side, and the truth.

41. Girlfriend and insult are somehow similar, they will look bad, if it’s yours.

42. Do I need to explain myself to you? No I don’t, I am right anyway.

43. Sometimes I wish my girlfriend came with a switch button, so I can switch her off when she starts displaying. You know what I mean.

44. I am available for disturbance.

45. Great minds- Albert Einstein- great minds, Mark zukerberg, Extraordinary minds- Obama, Me- Never mind.

46. All my haters are unemployed, but I won’t employ any of them, because if I do, who will hate on me?

47. Live is a journey, we all are travelers.

48. Regardless of what we might be passing through right now, Life must go on 🙂

49. I am never too busy to make myself happy.

50. Brains are important, and everyone has one, but I just wish they all use theirs.

Whatsapp Status Messages in English

Enjoy top whatsapp status messages in English

1. I love it when I turn my pillow, and the other side is cool.

2. I am a ruler, you can’t erase me.

3. I am a winner, everybody knows, like Pinocchio

4. You have a Bugatti as your dp, I didn’t know you transform too.

5. I am a humble dude, but watch as you approach me, because nowadays it’s so easy to provoke beef.

6. She couldn’t leave my room, she got attracted to the cool stuff in it.

7. Who design this stuff, Monday is so far from Friday, and Friday is so close to Monday.

8. When you want her to cook, you use the “cool mood” like you really care.

9. I am cool with being number two, because I am richer than number one.

10. My boss hasn’t seen how cool I am on Facebook, she’d like me in real life.

11. Life is too short, to stall while reading my whatsapp status.

12. I am just waiting for the developer that will introduce, GF Messenger.

13. When you love someone that problems automatically becomes yours, its crazy mehn.

15. I always talk about God, because he bless me.

16. Any time you tweet something and delete it, I forgive you, because I know it’s not you, it’s the cocaine.

17. They say it’s nearly impossible to raise two kids, my mom got seven.

19. There will come a time in your life, some people will make you lose your composure.

20. I am not saying I am saint, I am a man so I am weak, but I really try my best to avoid all these freaks.

21. I just miss those days, I will put my head on my desk.

22. Mind playing tricks, but I will get over it in due time.

23. Smile is very important, because your smile can also put a smile on others face, please always wear a smile on.

24. Do not go to a gun fight with a blunt knife.

25. I love new songs, it doesn’t remind me of old stuff.

26. My friend asked me, how my life was, I just smiled and replied, she is awesome.

27. I have never care about what people say behind my back, I don’t give to importance to things that are behind me. Its shit, I wash them off.

28. The inside you is the real beauty. Not the outer you.

29. Always try your possible best to solve your problems yourself, when you involve people, you face a risk of making the problem even bigger.

30. I feel short cuts are for lazy ass losers. Shout out to the real hustler out there.

31. Yes I am really happy now, and you are not the reason.

32. Silence will remain the answer any fool deserve.

33. Tears is 99% feelings and 1& water. That why that shit hurt so badly.

34. It’s my life, and my rule. You got a problem with it. The door is open.

35. Time is Gold, it’s very costly.

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36. It’s not my fault, she is feeling me. You are hotter than me, I am cooler than you.

37. Do not joke with a jealous woman, she will detect everything you hide.

38. Smile it costs you nothing.

39. You are not Google, please stop trying to tell everybody you know everything.

40. Sometimes when I sleep, and I am dreaming, I just don’t want to wake up.

41. Some people really deserve a HIGH FIVE, accompanied with a big blow on their face.

42. I don’t know why good people have to die, and the best have to live long.

43. Some people are like music, some say the truth, and the rest just make noise.

44. I will win, it’s certain, and nothing can stop me.

45. The road to success is wide for everyone, it’s not narrow no more.

46. I don’t get how a drop of water, can make an ocean, who writes that crap?

47. Once you understand the rules of the game, then it’s time to beat everybody at their game, no time to waste.

48. Always appreciate whatever you have, or wherever you find yourself, many are praying to be where you are today.

49. Doubts is your biggest enemy, born to make you fail.

50. Born to excel, not to impress.

Whatsapp Status in English One Line

Enjoy the latest whatsapp status in English one line, whatsapp online status and whatsapp messages online. These latest whatsap messages and short status for whatsapp let you express your feelings with your contacts.

1. When you are alone, you can’t get hurt.

2. You know you are in love, when you check her last seen all the time.

3. Stop checking my status, so you can steal it, go get a life.

4. My attitude to you, is how your attitude is towards me is, it’s that simple.

5. I miss you too, but I am with someone better now.

6. My attitude is who I am, it’s my bragging right, it’s my gift.

7. When I am with you, nothing is out of place, everything just seems fine.

8. I am not the shy type once I am cool with you.

9. I am sorry I dint tell you about the changes in my life, because it’s my business.

10. I love my life right now, because you are my life.

11. My morning is perfect, if your whatsapp status is about me.

12. My heart really beats fast when I am close to you, you give me chills.

13. People who always talk behind your back, deserves being fart at.

14. 2 things that can swing a woman’s mood, 1. Money 2. More money.

15. With great power, comes great electricity bill.

16. I think I have finally come in terms with my inner demon, we don’t fight anymore.

17. Hard work won’t kill you, but don’t risk it.

18. I want to marry a girl, who looks pretty regardless of time and season.

19. Woman will not hit you hard, but know the right spots to hit, and those spots don’t need hard hitting.

20. One of my friend has been sleeping for 2 weeks, how I know, it’s on his whatsapp status.

21. Kiss your Girlfriend In front of that guy he calls “Just a Friend” you don’t need an explanation, besides it’s also for Security Reasons.

22. I ask kids, what they’d like to be when they come off age, I myself still looking for a bright career.

23. You call me lazy, truth is I am lazy.

24. One child makes you a parents, plenty child makes you a referee.

25. When I need an expert advice, I talk to my self.

26. If the plan didn’t work at first, don’t be shy to give a try again.

27. Great people stay great by lifting other people up, not bringing them down.

28. Sugar? No thanks, I am already sweet.

29. The rest of my life, will be the best of my life.

30. Common sense is like armpit shore, those people who need it more, never use it.

31. God, if you can’t make me slim, at least make my friends fat. Amen!!!

32. It’s alright if you are not perfect, just be yourself, then you are good.

33. I am one of a kind, I am a miracle.

34. Negative attitude is like petrol to a car, if you don’t fuel it, you can’t go nowhere.

35. Positive attitude will always make ways. Stay positive.

36. You keep complaining I have changed, you have change too.

37. I know I am kind, but you will regret if you think I am weak.

38. I am awesome, you don’t need to tell me.

39. Silence will say a million words in seconds.

40. If my silence could kill, it will be called silencer gun.

41. A problem won’t be a problem if you solve it, it remains a problem because of your attitude towards it.

42. Life is like drawing with a biro, you make mistakes you can’t erase.

43. Difference between a good and a bad day, is your perspective.

44. If you walked out of my life, I will be glad, because I have been with a pretender.

45. If you leave me without any reason, don’t return with an excuse.

46. Karma knows no status or post, it goes around and serve well, like a good waiter.

47. It doesn’t bother me if I am not liked by all, I am not a status on Facebook.

48. It’s actually my life, never forget that, when you gossiping about me.

49. Imperfect me, so far so good I am good.

50. If you claim to be a bad person, then you haven’t met me, I am a very bad person.

Latest Whatsapp Status Online Message

Looking for the nice whatsapp status online messages and whatsapp status in English to update, here are some ideas for you.

1. Recycling bin couldn’t hold my feelings for you, the file was too big.

2. Moon won’t shine without darkness.

3. You know why I love you so much, well just read the first word of this sentence.

4. You got beautiful smile, I like it when I am the reason for you smile.

5. One amazing thing about real friends, is they will never say bad things behind you, they do that shit in front of you.

6. A good friend will accept you, regardless of what you have done.

7. My dear, you make my world, glad to have you with me.

8. Fact: we don’t lose our friends, we just find out which ones are real.

9. Good friends got you back always, they are like your spinal cord.

10. Some friends will always give you a reason to smile. And when you cry, they will make you cry easier.

11. Fake friends will come around when things are cool, but real one will stick with you, when everyone thinks you are a fool.

12. Those things you call little that you do, is what I cherish most. Love you much.

13. It cost about 0.00$ to be a nice person.

14. Sometimes when you fall in love you get hurt, damn you fell real hard.

15. Sometimes you set your eyes on the war not the battle.

16. If you don’t handle your problems, they will meddle in your happiness.

17. I have never depended on everybody, not because I dint need help, but I understood that people will one way or the other fail you.

18. Like me, hate me, it won’t stop me from shinning.

19. A party without booze is just a meeting.

20. Violence won’t solve issues, be calm and let your skills show your talents.

21. I am finally happy without you.

22. No risk, no rewards, no brain, same story.

23. Sometimes a clear conscience means, no memory.

24. Forgiveness is trying not to hate you for hurting me, even though you deserve hatred.

25. I deserve less, but I got the best, thank you so much.

26. How do you an idiot, try to poke his/her eyes, they blink, there you have it.

27. I’d give my right arm for you, but you don’t deserve even my left.

28. The person who hates you more, turns out to be the love of your life.

29. So many people will talk and assume, only a few really know.

30. Sometimes you just have other people to do for you what you can do your self.

31. The rest of my life is the best of my life, God is taking good care of me.

32. I might not be the best now, but be rest assure I am working toward that.

33. Bogus and proud peeps, are rich in wallet but poor at heart.

34. I have let the past stay in the past, my focus is on now and the future.

35. I have accepted whats what, I am not asking questions no more, I just want to move forward without looking back. God help me.

36. You just got to respect my personality, because of my originality, I have got awesome abilities, I am good and this is just reality.

37. Today henceforth I have decided to let the past remain in the past, time to focus on the present.

38. If you have got it, then you have earned it.

39. If you are really good at a skill, then it aint show off.

40. People just hate me for no reason, then I give them a reason to hate me for real.

41. Some people are so stupid they deserve a standing ovation from my middle left finger.

42. I won’t be an option, choose me or lose me, the choice is yours.

43. Don’t make her love you, if you won’t love her back.

44. Time is passed for being sober, you left, I have moved on to better things.

45. Simple fact about me: you treat me good and I’ll differently treat you better.

46. Ain’t crazy girlfriends just awesome?

47. Your past won’t be a mistake, if you learned from it.

48. We all have that crazy friend we greet with insult.

49. My girlfriend thought it was only an onion hat could make I cry, then I threw 2 watermelons at her face.

50. I want Santa list and the names of the beautiful girls in it for my birthday.

Latest Cool Whatsapp Messages

Below are some beautiful example of latest cool whatsapp messages and whatsapp status in English collection

1. I just save insurance a lot of stress, I just sold my car.

2. My mind has google in it, and my heart is protected with antivirus.

3. We have just two types of honest people in this world, drunk people and little kids.

4. They keep talking at my back, because that’s where suit them.

5. Trying doesn’t really matter when you keep failing.

6. In a marriage, your wife can either bring out the best in you or the worst.

7. I am now in shape, apparently not a good shape.

8. If all the people in gladiators listened to me, they’d all still be alive and kicking.

9. God is beautiful in all situations, I don’t need you, I need God.

10. Some peoples promise are like phones made in china, they have no guarantee.

11. Smiles, it makes you look cool.

12. If you are bad, say hello to your boss.

13. Love is something you don’t buy, but pay a lot for it.

14. I think the week generally have some bugs, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday.

15. I couldn’t hold my pee anymore, so I woke up.

16. Eat right, exercise right, you still die anyway.

17. Don’t settle for less, demand big.

18. You don’t have to be in U.K to be OK, you don’t have to be in China to be shinning, and every good gift comes from Above not abroad.

19. Royalty runs in my veins, I don’t need a crown to prove that.

20. A smile on, can go with whatever clothes you put on.

21. Have you ever wondered how wrong numbers never get busy? Try one now (insert your number here).

22. I am very sure, this “ladies first” thing was started by a dude, who just want to stare at the backside of ladies.

23. One of the things that amazes me about United States of America, is the way children order their parents about and they obey.

24. I wonder what they mean by “Nothing is impossible” I have been doing nothing all day.

25. Don’t be deceive, I am always acting to be cool, I am not.

26. My phone, my data connection, TV, food, bae, perfect day.

27. Why not keep calm and enjoy your life.

28. Men with status, do not need whatsapp status.

29. Never give your girlfriend the avenue to disrespect you, when you do, my dear you are finished, I am a testimony.

30. Dreams are just like our brains fiction movies, we want in real life.

31. This week, may all you set your hands to do, according to God’s will, succeed in Jesus name.

32. She is atomic and I am the bomb, together we are atomic bomb, cute isn’t?

33. I love the way she stares at me, when she eats banana.

34. Any friend can make you laugh, but a true friend will make you pee, laughing.

35. They throw stones at me, I throw flowers at them accompanied with the flower pot.

36. I am very good at being good, and I am very good at being bad, your attitude towards me determines my reaction to you.

37. Being threatened by another man’s gift or gifting is a clear sign that you don’t know who you are, and may not have discovered your’s.

38. I just found something in my ass hole, oh it’s your stupid attitude.

39. Character is the real beauty of a woman, not her looks.

40. Fat wallet is the handsomeness of a man, not his face.

Cool Whatsapp Status in English

If you are short of words to display on your status. Don’t worry! Here are some cool WhatsApp status in English which would help out thus;

1. There is no life without mistake because such life is just like an education without a book.

2. Attitude is exactly as inner-wear, It is not to be shown, just wear it

3. Minding what I say is not what I do, I simply say my mind

4. Just because I lost my success does not mean that I failed.

5. Beauty is in the eye of the credit card holder

6. If we are simple, then life is simple

7. It is so amusing the way people shout that they are missing you and don’t even try to create time and see you.

8. If you are eager to discover something new, just one word can unquestionably be a storeroom for new information.

9. I make other people interesting when I drink and that’s why I do.

10. You only need status if u are among the people without status.

11. You can call me tonight, instead of Mike which I’m called by some people.

12. When there is a shut exit, disguised skylight opens.

13. Enthusiasm is what makes you begin, Tradition is what keeps you going.

14. You are only afraid to live if you are scared of life.

15. Sleeping does not make your dream an absolute one.

16. Unless you quit trying, nothing is over.

17. Be still and take pleasure in life.

18. I have really had a badly demanding day, trying to exchange OXYGEN to CARBON DIOXIDE.

19. Well! I have o doubt that you are correct, I’m not faultless but I’m exceptional.

20. Work towards making your dream come true because you are still young.

21. It’s such a short period of time to spend on earth, I doubt if you have much time to waste on a status

22. My wish is that my grave will offer free wifi when I die so that I will have more visitors.

23. There are times when I look at people and I’m like…seriously??? That’s a survived sperm.

24. Two things I love so much are food and sleep. If I sacrifice anyone for you it means a lot.

25. Diets are difficult since I get famished

26. We exist in the time when phones are smart but people are stupid.

27. God is really inventive you know….just take a glance at me!!!!

28. Each time I stand in from of the mirror, I see the smartest person on earth.

29. Just because I’m in my power saving mode does not make me sluggish.

30. You just need to exercise patience, even a toilet can handle just a single asshole at a time.

31. I recently realized that each time I sing because I have a problem, my voice normally seems worse than the problem.

32. I wish that on my deathbed, my final words would be ‘There are five billion dollars inside.

33. In life, if you don’t make mistakes, it will be hard to learn and understand.

34. I just want to grow old and get married and have a cool kid as my mom.

35. It’s nice to know, you know the lyrics to the song, but it will actually be super cool, if you let the musician sing the song, thank you.

37. I am talking cash and I aint talking cheese.

38. What does Marcelo’s Wallace look like?

39. I do my own stuff, I don’t need a partner.

40. Nowadays I am fine, doesn’t really mean you fine, it means you just want to be left alone.

41. Anything that can’t kill me, makes me more alive.

42. The difference between me and you is attitude.

43. My last seen on whatsapp, was just to check your last seen.

44. Life is too short to adjust your belt, dude pee on your pants.

45. God will give you what you really need in life, not what you want.

46. It’s when you start running after what you want instead of what you need, you get into trouble.

47. Say “Hi” if you’ are lonely let’s comfort ourselves

48. If your status says online, then why haven’t you been texting me all week.

49. I want to marry the girl as pretty as beyonce. I don’t have to be jayzee.

50. Serious lazy peoples fact $774885775847487, yea that’s what I am talking about, you were to lazy to read it amount.

Short Cool Whatsapp Status

Looking for short and precise whatsapp status messages, here are short cool whatsapp status in English ideas.

1. Each time I give advice to people, I usually learn from their mistakes.

2. Deleting your number means deleting you from my life.

3. Opening your tiny mind is wiser than opening your wide mouth.

4. Each time quitting smoking comes to my mind, I need a cigarette to take the decision.

5. Relative by friendship is bigger than relative by blood.

6. What I normally do when I miss you is to go over our last conversation and laugh like an idiot.

7. My reaction is simply a phrase for my pain.

8. The best thing is just to be alone because no one can hurt you.

9. Highest hurting farewells are ones which were never uttered

10. The reason you have two hands is that you might need the two of them to make people understand how you feel.

11. There is a huge disparity when I’m not infuriated but hurt

12. When you don’t want to understand my point, I keep silent not because I give up but because there is no need to continue.

13. Don’t rejoice that I have forgiven you because I don’t forgive, I only wait for my time to revenge.

14. You need to wake up from slumber if you must make your dream come true. That’s the first step.

15. Having sexy thoughts doesn’t make the mind dirty, therefore, don’t judge me.

16. The beautiful thing about saying the truth is that you don’t need to bother yourself remembering what you said.

17. Each day is another opportunity given to you.

18. Giving up shouldn’t be an option because starting up is always the most difficult time.

19. Showing affection for what you do makes it a great work.

20. I will surely win even if it’s not immediately.

21. In order to succeed in the game, you have to first learn the rules of the game and then play more than anyone else.

22. Life can be likened to bicycle riding, to keep a balance, you just have to keep moving.

23. You take for granted what someone else is praying for not knowing that you are already successful.

24. Dreams are the things that can’t let you sleep not the ones you see while sleeping.

25. My police report tells me that I had a wonderful “night out” last night.

26. If your girlfriend loves drama, simply tell her to stop starting it. Common I know girls.

27. My mom thought I was going crazy when she caught me smiling to myself, she thought that, because she didn’t know I was thinking about you.

28. Keep your attitude to yourself, I have got mine too.

29. If you left me because you think I couldn’t do without you, I will shame you and my critics.

30. Your attitude towards me is bad, but don’t let mine distract you.

Best Whatsapp Status Quotes

Below whatsapp status quotes and whatsapp status in English are the best for the year

1. Every road to success is always under the building.

2. Failure doesn’t kill your dreams as much as doubt does.

3. You hired me to work for money if you need loyalty go get a dog.

4. I am not born to impress but to express

5. Those who have the loudest minds are the loudest people.

6. Why some people are still alive it’s simply because of law

7. You simply need to go left the moment nothing goes right.

8. Right now, I’m chemically off-balanced so don’t think I’m drunk.

9. The level of poverty in me really can’t let me concentrate in class.

10. Working in fog is what I love most because nobody notices my smoking habit.

11. Like seriously! You really want to argue with me? Ok then, I got my CAPS LOCK ON.

12. Well! The only reason I talk to myself is that I like to deal with a better class of people.

13. It’s only when I’m on vacation that I enjoy my job most.

14. Enemies remain and multiply while friends come and go.

15. Rich and poor men look alike because they both have an iPad.

16. My wife makes every decision in the house and I am the boss.

17. There are times you just need to learn, other times you succeed.

18. My uncle said his dream is to be a billionaire like me, I dream to be one.

19. Every successful man has behind him a surprised woman.

20. Each time you smile, there is always a better feeling that comes from inside.

21. Even the strongest person in this world has got someone who makes him weak.

22. Simply confuse them if you can’t convince.

23. My life is MY LIFE and none of your business so stay clear.

24. I’m just so hot that whenever I touch hot chocolate, it melts on my hand.

25. Well, I will always be around to pick you up whenever you since you are friend but…that’s when I’m done laughing.

26. You just have to chase one rabbit because if you insist on chasing two, both will escape.

27. Well ! if you try becoming smarter I will consider being nicer.

28. The only vacant person you can be is yourself and that’s the best there is.

29. I am happy now, and you ain’t the reason no more.

30. It’s not jealousy hun, I am just too scared to lose you, and I love you so much.

31. When you are single, you begin to see bunch of happy couples, but once you become married, you see lot of happy singles.

32. If you miss me you will check on me first or text, I miss you too, but I want to know if you miss me more.

33. The poking at weddings was too much, each time I attend any wedding, old peeps will poke me saying ‘’I am next’’. I will start attending funerals, so I can start poking, who is next.

34. Some relationships are like obese peeps, they don’t work out.

35. The biggest blow to your hatters, is more success.

36. I am sorry it’s all my fault, but it doesn’t change the fact that you are an asshole.

37. Thank you God for the blessings you send me daily. Keep me wise and strong.

38. My handwriting is not bad, I just love using my own kind of font. Deal with it.

39. I and my girlfriend were happy together for 5 years, then we got married

40. The Struggle Is Real but the Reward Is Gained Separately.

You may choose to take them directly or give them a little tweak, but for sure, these carefully selected texts would surely attract your friends to always view your status. Try them out!

If you love the whatsapp status in english ideas shared above and you would like to share more with us, please use the comment box below

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