Top 100+ Best Whatsapp Online Status

If you are very familiar with Whatsapp, then you should know how interesting it is when sending and sharing photo and video of your best moments with your friends. As a whatsapp favourite, here are the top 100 whatsapp online status you can make use of just as you do with status quotes for facebook

Cool Whatsapp Online Status
  • I May Have Thousands Of Friends On Social Network But The Axiomatic Fact That Only Few Are Realers (true Friends) Remain Indisputable.
  • Hard work is never appreciated: Only results matter.
  • I acted like I didn’t care, but it made me miss you again.
  • Friends…Who’s the master of your life? Lion and the lamb
  • Anything that happens on snap chat should stay on snap chat, don’t bring it to Facebook.
  • Why will you edit your photos on snap chat and upload it on Facebook. It’s crazy.
  • I really wish I could do more than just listen to peoples problem, I feel so down afterwards not doing anything.
  • I forgot my spoon in the kitchen, going back to get it, I hit my head on the door, then all the appetite gone.
  • If all you do is snap chat your face without caption all day, I am hell gonna block you.
  • I don’t get it when people go on about how snap chat works, I mean dude take a pics or a video, add some caption and post the damn thing on your story.
  • What’s so funny about the photo you upload, that you laughing all your ass out, lady you’re flat.
  • I know what you all are thinking, I am not saying I don’t do crazy stuff, but it dosnt make me a crazy person.
  • Hey hun, I know you are out there and always watching my snap chat, just want to let you know, I don’t take my eyes of yours, 2 can play that game.
  • I don’t like getting snapshots from people with the caption ‘’I am hungry’’ hell yeah! You sure going to die if you don’t eat.
  • I don’t get why you won’t chat with me for days, and return to my inbox like nothing happened, dude you are online, you aint invisible.
  • If you want to do well in your relationship, just let it be within, the moment you snap it, we all waiting to laugh, when you fall.
  • If you want problems out of your relationship, don’t always come to snap chat and cry your problems to us, not everyone likes that you are even in a relationship, keep it inside. It’s a relationship, not a group chat.
  • I see your stories on snap chat I am happy, just want to let you know you mean the whole world to me, I love you so freaking much, you so sweet, alright enough sweet words, I need money.
  • My mom dint leave dinner for me, now she be complaining I ordered pizza, woman I don’t get it.
  • This is the fourth day dude, you have been posting same shit, just different captions.
  • I am not scare to talk to people, I am just scared if they have bad breathe, when they talk back, I really hate embarrassing people.
  • Stop acting like you a star boy, you aint whiz-kid.
  • I am so angry, I am about to smash my phone, people should i?
  • I am just surprise, I am yet to find my future girlfriend, which makes me wonder if I am in the distant future or my girl still in the past.
  • What’s wrong with social media, why must there be a limit to everything, instagram has a picture size li it, twitter has words limits, snap chat won’t let you put a proper caption on your pics.
  • I so sorry to say this future girlfriend, you going to be waking up to a lot of weird text, I am on fleek.
  • You can only hurt me, if I trust you, and I wouldn’t be so foolish to put my trust in you.
  • Snap chat aint developed for short term memory users. This aint insult please.
  • You see some people get confused when I reply that picture, because they somehow forgot what they uploaded in the first place.
  • You best mind your business, or I am gonna hack your phone, get your mom’s number, and she sure will be getting lot of balls, if you don’t know what I mean, best mind your business and move on.
  • I swear I am about to smash my new iPhone 7+ on my girlfriends head, on a second note, I don’t think so.
  • I have always wondered why people report post, they don’t like it, and they can delete it, so they go for the next best thing. Salvages.
  • New to whatsapp ? I will save you the stress of going on whatsapp is just where some boring users take selfies with caption, saying ‘’oh I had a blast today’’ or ‘’ damn I hate boys, they are all same’’ you are welcome.
  • When you’re talking to someone and everything’s going fine until they ask for a picture like we just met on social media flick through my uploads and hit like button.
  • It’s funny how girls post photos on snap chat, doing home chores, and be like, “omg! How am I still single” the home chores has nothing to do with your being single, you are just a jackal that will remain single for a long time if you don’t grow up.
  • How I met your mother, oh we met at the sub and exchanged number, till I saw your photo on snap chat with the caption, “sweet mom and I”, I am so happy I dint miss this post, you won’t understand baby.
  • I love it when I send a snap chat out, and I knowingly don’t add a caption, so no one gets an Idea on what I just sent.
  • Some crazy nut job on my timeline, will send me snap chat with captions unrelated to the photo, I am like you dumb.
  • Lack of respect will lead you nowhere, pride will always come before the fall. Be wise and stay focus.
  • Hey warning to al, if you are sending me snap chats, the least you should do is allow me read the captions well, this is no spelling bee, don’t give me seconds to see captions.
  • I want to take her to frenchies and fries, after that we play the games of ten toes.
  • If you were there to support my music, and when I blow up, don’t you dare nod to my music, don’t shake your foot in parties, and don’t ever use any of my catch phrases.
  • It will be nice I warn you now, so you don’t make the mistake of messing with any of my friends, family or partner, because you sure going to regret to see that I have been messed up enough to end your sorry ass.
  • Smile don’t cost a thing, always wear one.
  • I want to let you all in on a secret, you can actually go to the mall without posting it on snap chat.
  • Thank you for showing me, I can do it all on my own without you.
  • The only f words that comes out of my girls mouth, that I am actually afraid of is “fine”
  • Today we take back all we have lost.
  • I don’t get it when I add a new user, and we get on, and the user is like, can you send a photo, I am like, are you so lazy? I have a dp, common go through my uploads, and like them. *winks*
  • She is enough for me.
  • This space is already taken.
  • Hey hold on, be right back, I am gonna pee.
  • Girls be like….I am not lucky, I am blessed, so blessed.
  • I just couldn’t re-live another “the world is coming to an end” scene.
  • Well I had fun, while it lasted.
  • I am still looking for directions to Sesame Street. Looks like the name is more popular than the street itself.
  • Look what we turned ourselves into, some bunch of farmers, while the hell will I wear a flower on my head while cooking.
  • She was like, we are in trouble, I replied I am not in trouble, cus there is no “I” in “trouble”
  • I look at my Ex’s photos on snap chat, and I be like “Y did I ever date you?”
  • Why will it rain on a Sunday? I think Sunday has been corrupted and needs reprogramming.
  • There is no excuse for laziness, hold on I am still researching.
  • Hey there, I’m using Snap chat.
  • Some girls be like make up free day, I be like, why not nipples free day.
  • If I am doing it wrong, then it’s right.
  • Dress light they said, betrayers.
  • A little alcohol they said, I can’t feel my head now.
  • Posted a photo on Facebook, she dint like it.
  • I dint choose this slay life, slay life choose me.
  • Hello, I might have to call you back.
  • If I were hit by lighting, will I turn to the flash?
  • Movies make it seems like, if bitten by a spider I become spider man, or ant man I become ant man, so am like, I want to be a Lion man.
  • My plan is to befriend all the fat girls, and visit them, when I am hungry.
  • I love sleeping to work, it’s like time machine to the closing hours of the day.
  • I like it when the usher directs me to seat near my crush in church. Glory!
  • I be like, I am in love with weekend, I don’t want to leave her.
  • I am so happy I just got back my EX…..
Short Whatsapp Online Status
  • I can’t play dumb with you, I will lost the game before it even starts.
  • It’s not all about the air you breathe, but the moments you could not catch your breathe.
  • I love flying classes.
  • A selfie a day keeps your friends away.
  • Can I watch you while you doze off, you soo pretty.
  • Whats the name of the guy that built that large ark? I don’t Noah the guy.
  • You are so sweet, I don’t need sugar in my life.
  • If I were a comedian, dude my captions on snap chat will be super funny.
  • Vegetarians save animals by starving them, don’t be confuse, why you eating their food.
  • She broke my heart, and asked if I was ok.
  • I so much love beer, my name should be beercules.
  • Some days start great, some days won’t even want to come.
  • The lion does not concern himself with the dealings of a sheep.
  • It’s better to be a coward for a minute than be dead for the rest of my life.
  • I am in love with you and it’s not a secret anymore, everyone can see that now.
  • Make cookies they said, the girls will come around, its 9pm already.
  • The see me balling they hating.
  • Are you saying I have a shot?
  • Why hate now, don’t you think it’s early, I aint even in my prime now, you hating already.
  • It is my fault that my girl looks like Halle berry, and you girl from the ghetto, looks scary and she is hairy.
  • You better back off, no options back off, if you don’t want me to send down the rain, if you don’t want me to cause you much pain.
  • I like girls, who see you for the first time and make funny faces. They are naughty, friendly and accommodating.
  • I know I am beautiful, not lucky, but blessed.
  • Conclusion simply means, you got tired of explanation.
  • Oh, beer, you really understand me all the time.
  • Who is handsome, I am.
  • Hello beauty come feel my t shirt, want to know what its made of? Boyfriend material.
  • That moment when you realize, vacation is over.
  • I came here in peace and left in peace, what the hell do you expect.
  • I have been down this road a thousand times, but always get lost.
  • Your true love is probably with another right now, just wasting their time, I feel sorry for them.
  • Wow, you like diet coke, you must be very healthy.
  • You play God of war? Wow that’s really sweet.

Do you have any online whatsapp status idea ? Please kindly share with us using the comment box below

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